About us

Where Is the Company Based?

Our academic assistance company, , is based in Limassol. Located at It was , under registration number .

How long are we on the Market?

 Our company commenced operations in 2008 and employ in excess of 500 highly qualified professional writers, who are university graduates mainly from the US and Canada. Our expert writers are capable of completing any academic assignment, in keeping with any particular language requirements and the instructions of our clients, who are largely students from the United States and Canada.

Where is the Support Team Located?

  Although we are registered and based in Limassol, our support team operates from Ukraine. This enables us to engage the requisite number of support officers, who are well-equipped and eager to deal with all your concerns, while charging half the price of other wholly EU-based academic assistance services.

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Pages 550 words
These prices do not include the Value Added TAX. Prices for EU customers are calculated according to the tariffs of the country the customer is from.
Total price: -
  • Approx. 275 word / page
  • All paper formats (APA, MLA, Harvard, Chicago/Turabian)
  • Font: 12 point Arial/Times New Roman
  • Double and single spacing
  • FREE bibliography page
  • FREE title page
  • Progressive delivery feature
  • FREE plagiarism check

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Thank you so much my paper is excellent and it was delivered earlier than expected.
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Writer's Choice
My writer is incredible!!!
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Human Resources Management (HRM)
Absolutely perfect - just what I wanted! Thank you!
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Thank you - it's perfect!
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Writer's Choice
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