Since our market debut in 2008, our aim has been to assemble a team of the best writers, who can deliver the best professional academic assistance, and we are well on the path to achieving that goal.
Our recruitment policy requires that all applicants successfully complete some essential tests as part of our registration process. In the first place, we have to ascertain the writer's command of English. Next, the writer’s grasp of standard citation styles (APA, MLA and Harvard, among others), has to be assessed. The foregoing is accomplished through a 4-hour test, online, and based on a textbook by The Oxford University Press. Finally, each writer is required to submit a sample paper which is assessed by our company’s Writers Evaluation Department.
The evaluation of the writer’s sample work involves an assessment of the level of competence demonstrated in the use of language and grammar, the writing style and professionalism of the writer, and the readability of the paper. All our writers must meet all these assessment criteria, and at a high level. They must also demonstrate superb understanding of, and expertise in, their respective disciplines.
All our writers must demonstrate consistently high performance levels, which can only be maintained through the application of appropriate systems and proper motivation. In this regard, we have instituted a flexible system of Quality Control, under which our writers are evaluated fortnightly by the company’s editor, using three randomly chosen pages of their most recent work.
Claim your refund if you think you could write it better
If the paper does not meet your expectations, we will revise it for free
We have transparent terms and conditions of purchasing, which protect you as a customer—unlike using freelance help
We scan your paper with a plagiarism checker before showing it to you
We request only essential information from customers to create quality papers
Your papers and private information you provide will never be disclosed to third parties
In order to obtain the best available freelance writers, we recruit writers from all over the world. Our writers come from Canada, the United States of America, the Netherlands, Germany, France, Kenya and Pakistan, et al. Since we guarantee our clients quality writing of their particular academic level, it is vital that all our writers demonstrate a good command of English even if they are not native English speakers. They must also have in-depth knowledge of other subjects. You may choose a native English speaker to undertake your assignment by selecting the writer's category on the Order form.
From the moment you place an order with us, we start searching our extensive database of writers to find the most appropriate one for your paper. We are careful to ensure that the chosen writer has the appropriate skills and knowledge which your assignment demands. We employ a writer-selection system that facilitates this and is regularly upgraded to ensure that the process is seamless. We also monitor the workload of writers to be certain that the selected writer has the time to concentrate, exclusively, on your assignment.
When placing an order you have the option of requesting, for a further $5, three samples of the writer's previous work. These will reveal the quality of the writing and the extent of the writer’s knowledge, and language skills.
Our custom writing service shows you the real statistics of how much our customers are satisfied with what they have received:
Average customer's rating: out of 10
Based on total of customer surveys